Thursday, March 18, 2010

Weird Stuff at the Mall

So Mommy Chick and I met up with my two baby friends at the mall. We like to cruise around, drink Starbucks, and occasionally scream in the food court.

But things took a really weird turn. I'm not sure what happened, but I think I might be in a gang or something now. Some sort of mafia has taken over the back of the food court. We approached, and their leader gave me the OK to join him on his thrown.

I hesitated about even telling you this, because I know you won't believe me.  The Gang Leader was rabbit in a vest.  He did not speak.

For my initiation, I sat in a basket.  This is a blurry picture MC sneaked on her cell phone.
Freaky, huh?  Things got even more strange.  While MC was talking to one of The GodRabbit's mignons,  I was whisked away to another level of initiation where weird creatures sat on my toes.

I know all of this seems far-fetched, that's why I'm showing you pictures.

Let me know if you've ever heard of anything like this.


  1. Those are so VERY cute picks! She is absolutely adorable! I loved those pick below of baby Sophia, and don't feel bad...both of mine were little baldies too! Welll, my daoughter actually had some hair at first (I was so excited) but of course lost it all!! I too always am in aww of these little babies with tons of hair...not fair!!;)


  2. Thank you! Baby Sophia's dad tells us she is staying up all night. I suggested she might sleep better if they shave her head. I'm certain she is up all night styling her hair. Hopefully they will take my advice.
