Thursday, November 12, 2009

How to Rock the Red Carpet

Ugh, I need the extra-leaded boobie milk this morning. Mommy Chick and I played out our own version of "Girls Gone Wild Last Night." We stayed up watching infomercials and doing milk shooters until about 2:00 a.m. It was so awesome that I pooped in my pants.

I think the excitement of the CMA red carpet fashions kept me from sleeping.

This is my favorite look of the night:

I cannot hold up a strapless dress. My genetic outcome is still unknown, so whether or not I will ever have the rack to pull of this look is a mystery. However, I do love the layered necklaces, but because I would chew on real necklaces, I'll recommend something like this for infants. It's from Etsy store Samandcoop:

Work the onesie, but take a pass on that purse with the big plastic handles. It cheapens the whole look.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank you, Mel! Let me know if there is any trend or celebrity you would like me to ponder while in my swing!
