Conan O'Brien! Or at least that is what I thought as we daintily shook hands. Yesterday some of Mommy Chick's friends came to meet me. MC and this guy used to be on the news together TEN YEARS AGO! I cannot even fathom that amount of time. It must be comparable to infinity.
Because we were entertaining yesterday, I wore my monkey pants from Gymboree. They were a gift from one of MC's friends. Gymboree no longer carries these exact pants, but I did a search for you and they still have 19 monkey items!
This dress is on sale for $10.99, marked down from almost $30.
And I love this shirt for boys. I would totally dig if one of my boyfriends picked me up for a date in this. Except none of us can drive. Or walk. Or eat solid food. But I still like this shirt. It's $19.75.
Not-So-Mellow Yellow
13 hours ago