How was your holiday weekend? Mine was riveting. I ate cold noodles and edamame directly off the table at a chain restaurant. Don't worry, Mommy Chick cleaned the table before my feast. I ate some chicken, too. The protein gives my hair a lot of body and luster, or at least that is what MC says.
This is a picture of me with our friend, Fancy. I'm under MC's yellow shirt. This was last summer at Disney World. We were in line for the Toy Story ride. Geez, those Disney people were really picky about what I could ride in-utero. Don't you think MC's pouty face distracts from her 7 1/2 month pregnant belly? I do.
Now, check out what Fancy was doing this weekend while you were busy eating hot dogs on a lawn chair.
Are you jealous? Because I'm totally not. I think eating knock-off PF Changs is just as glamorous as walking the red carpet at the Indy 500. Fancy said Kim is "tiny, gorgeous and sweet," just as we had always suspected.
She also said Kim's butt is pretty much a normal butt. Sometimes I think I look a little like her when my panties are full.
Fancy keeps threatening to start a blog. We hope she does, so we can continue being not jealous of all her celebrity encounters.